Snoezelen Therapy

Sensory Experiences

Imagine having a variety of programs that increase the sense of balance and well-being, opening up new perceptions for the body and mind!

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ZenSenses Experiences

Imagine having a variety of programs that increase the sense of balance and well-being, opening up new perceptions for the body and mind!

We aim to promote and recover Health, recharge energy, providing care, relaxation and specialized support. The combination of lights, aromatherapy, soft vibrations, a unique sensory massage, amazing textures, relaxing sounds and music, coupled with occupational therapy based on the knowledge of the whole person, offer moments of tranquility and vitality.

If it is a mom, for a moment of conversation with her tummy, where the baby already responds to the stimulation inside the mother’s belly; or a couple looking for a moment with their half face to rediscover themselves; parents who will discover new games with their children to better understand them and create unique moments in the family; or who need to vent and get rid of the stress and anxiety of everyday life and find peace of mind even to reorganize ideas and set life goals!

All experiences include a ZenSenses Snoezelen multisensory environment with appropriate materials and equipment.

Sensory Experiences:

Snoezelen for the Elderly

Most seniors experience a low level of stimulation, which results in physical inactivity and lack of concentration. Studies show that this behavior is not only a consequence of the progression of aging, but of the lack of sensorial stimulation. That is why it is important to hold these sessions for active and healthy aging. If there are pathological conditions, such as depression, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, more important is their participation. The Snoezelen environment awakens reminiscences and amazing results!

For active and healthy aging!

Anxiety and Depression

The set of sensations that this environment provides allows to increase the self-esteem and to awaken positive emotions, well-being, satisfaction, good humor. It promotes self-control, autonomy and sense of security. It helps to restore balance and to define strategies and priorities in daily tasks, reducing anxiety, panic attacks, tension, sadness, pain and aggressiveness. Light therapy, visual stimulation, improves sleep and rest patterns; Aromatherapy influences mood and behavior, promoting a calming effect; Massages performed through the equipment in combination with soft music lead to relaxation.

Restore balance and define strategies!

Snoezelen with Special Needs

Snoezelen is a space where children and young people with special needs can react / interact with the environment in their own way and pace, providing relaxation, self-confidence and trust in others, autonomy, cognitive stimulation, motor, social and educational skills through the combined effect of the various sensory stimuli. It has great impact on communication and interaction. The use of equipment deviates stress and aggressiveness. In more complex cases, positive results may be just the eye contact, turning the head in the direction of the stimuli, trying to touch them, changes in facial expression such as smile, vocalizations or verbalization. This environment increases understanding about their tastes, motivates for initiative and learning, enhances self-esteem and reduces stereotyped behaviors.

Relaxation and stimulation of skills!

Pregnancy - Relax Mammy

If it is a mom, for a moment of conversation with the tummy, where the baby already responds to the stimulation inside the mother’s belly; children, young or seniors who need specialized support; a couple looking for a special moment for two; parents who will discover new games with their children to better understand them and create unique family moments; or who need to vent and get rid of the stress and anxiety of everyday life and find peace of mind even to reorganize ideas and set life goals!

For two - In Love

Try to find balance together, in this sensory discovery through color therapy (the use of colors for harmonization and physical, mental and emotional well-being); therapy by the music (the use of music as a therapeutic method, comes from the beginning of human history); aromatherapy (use of essential oils and their aromas with influence on mood and behavior).

With ZenSenses you will be able to benefit from this state-of-the-art technology, which uses the lights, aromas, colors and vibrations, to balance the inherent forces in your body, with immediate relaxation effect.

Kids & Family - Learn and play

Nowadays, with the advance of technology, children know how to handle a tablet even before they build a lego. Even if the child has the ability to have fun alone, parental involvement in this activity is also essential for child safety, their sense of belonging, and for their parents. So your innermost bonds are strengthened as you better understand the universe of the child. This environment promotes the discovery of sensations together, new games and the opportunity to interact and relax with family.

For Her - Girl Power

With the fast pace of life and the growing quest for quick solutions, both at work and at home, it is common for our bodies and minds to be in constant alertness. This causes stress, anxiety, nervousness and often insecurity and frustration, factors that detract from our physical and emotional health. Having a moment of “escape” from this routine is important not to abuse the body and continue to face the day-to-day issues without compromising well-being. Relaxation techniques can contribute to this. It is essential to have a moment dedicated to you alone, when you are fully engaged and focused on caring for yourself, aware that it is a practice of self-worth and that you deserve it!

“Snoezelen is a magical world. Relaxation takes place in a room rich in aromas, between bright lights like jewels, almost brought to sleep by soft music.”

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