Sensory Events

Organizing events related to the senses, challenging perceptions and developing emotional connections between people, based on Snoezelen Therapy: relaxation, multisensory stimulation, cognitive stimulation and interaction.

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ZenSenses Events

Organizing events related to the senses, challenging perceptions and developing emotional connections between people, based on Snoezelen Therapy: relaxation, multisensory stimulation, cognitive stimulation and interaction. Be multisensory stories for children (an entertaining experience that stimulates sensory abilities and memory with games), or corporate events and teambuilding (creating unique sensory experiences to unite participants, provoking experiences and transporting “out of the box”).

All events include a ZenSenses Snoezelen multisensory environment with appropriate materials and equipment.

Sensory Events

  • Companies/other entities
    • Teambuilding
    • Incentives
    • Branding
  • Themed Events (celebration of special dates, national or international)

Sensory Events:

Themed events

For individuals, companies or other entities, we promote sensorial events to celebrate special dates, as multisensory stories for children, a different activity in a school holiday program, Health Day, a fantastic experience for Parents & Children or Grandparents & Grandchildren, a unique moment for Pregnant, among many others.


Make the corporate environment more pleasant and cooperative through teambuilding and activities related to the stimulation of the senses, with the creation of Snoezelen environments, through relaxing and multisensory experiences. Managers in Human Resources know that companies with a good working environment thrive more because they have more motivated and productive people.


Corporate incentive or reward programs whose prizes are sensory events and promote well-being for high-performing employees or customer loyalty. Business leaders who are always looking for new ways to reward, find in these activities an innovative and creative way of rewarding employees, teams and suppliers.


Events designed to reinforce brand positioning among customers, partners or suppliers. In a market where product supply is increasing and more complex, customer loyalty is an important strategic business factor. Covering as many senses as possible, ZenSenses events help build more affective connections with the brand through memorable sensory experiences (sensory marketing).

The Sensory Experience of an Event

A world of images, sensations, an overdose of information. The current world of communication and technology offers information and access in an absurdly fast way. Events begin to provide sensory experiences to transport to another world, dazzle, surprise, make you cry, make you laugh!

People feel before thinking and, without generating a shocking emotional appeal, moments are easily forgotten. In an event, there are numerous opportunities to stimulate the senses and make the moment unforgettable and the message fixed. The music, the decor, the light, the food, all together can create unique memories.


The audio visual structure is very important! Music has the ability to bring us reminiscences and intervene in our memory.


Diversity of textures, temperature, vibration. Tactile elements can be used in space so that the participant can have physical contact with the event.


The best way to emphasize the palate is to neutralize the other senses and focus on the tasting.


Visual elements transform the event and present what we want to communicate in a very forceful way!


We hardly leave without being touched by an environment with a great aroma, because it is received by the right side of the brain, responsible for the emotions. In this way, the event is linked to the pleasant emotions produced by the effects of the fragrance.

“Inspire, reward and retain customers, teams and people through memorable sensory experiences”

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